PDF Resume

Last updated: July 2024

Educational Background

Sep 2022 - Jul 2025 Master of Engineering (Top 5%)

Harbin University of Science and Technology · Electronic Information

Main Courses: Linear System Theory, Intelligent Control Systems, Machine Learning and Applications, Advanced Robotics Technology and Applications;

Sep 2018 - Jul 2022 Bachelor of Engineering

Harbin University of Science and Technology · Electronic Information Science and Technology

Main Courses: Circuit Principles, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Microcontroller Principles and Applications;

Research Experience

Jun 2024 - Sep 2024 Main Project Member

Open-Source Drone Pod Experimental Development Platform

Responsibilities: Responsible for equipment debugging of the AMovLab P600 series drone, maintaining close communication with the technical support team to ensure smooth project progress, participating in the planning and construction of the Robotics Engineering Laboratory in the School of Automation, and assisting the supervisor in daily laboratory management tasks.

Oct 2023 - Dec 2023 Main Project Member

Cluster Task Restructuring Model Development (202310JT35)

Responsibilities: Responsible for writing the proposal chapter in the bidding document "Development of Cluster Task Restructuring Model for Self-Sustaining Formations of UUVs", including research significance and the current state of research domestically and internationally. Also responsible for compiling similar project performance tables and related proof materials for the supervisor.

Jun 2023 - Oct 2023 Main Project Member

Heilongjiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation (LH2020E094)

Responsibilities: Responsible for the anti-sway control research of underactuated marine crane systems. To address the problem of load sway caused by the rolling of the mother ship during crane operations, a mathematical model of a dual-pendulum marine crane considering time-varying wave disturbances was developed. A sway reduction control method suitable for dual-pendulum marine cranes was proposed, enabling the system state to converge rapidly to the desired value within a finite time. Simulation implementation was carried out using Matlab/Simulink software.
Personal Achievements: Sliding mode control method for dual-pendulum marine cranes (Patent authorized, supervisor is the first author, student is the second author)

Professional Skills

  • Proficient in C++, Python, familiar with Linux, ROS commands.

  • Knowledge of Patent Writing techniques, Code Development, and some experience in Project Management.

  • Skilled in using MATLAB, familiar with common robot algorithms like Mapping, Navigation, and Multi-Sensor Fusion.

  • Familiar with hardware development processes, including STM32, Pixhawk, and Arduino, and good at debugging circuits.

Personal Info

Full Name

John Doe



Date of Birth

April 2, 2003







Current Location

Ha'erbin, Heilongjiang


Jun 2024 - Jul 2024 Repository Link

My Resume

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